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About Me

         My name is Jess Mooney. I'm a 26-year-old person who likes to make stuff! I am inordinately obsessed with wizards, Lord of the Rings, maps, and oddly specific plants and fungi. I will gladly talk your ear off about any of these topics, given the slightest opportunity. I'm also in process of completing my bachelor's degree in Communications, and have an associate's degree in UX/UI design. Despite doing all of these things, I still find time to play far too much Skyrim and Minecraft.





         One time, I bought a cheap wooden chess board and realized when I got home that it was missing a rook. I had always wanted to learn to carve, so I figured this was as good a time as any to give it a try. I bought some tools and carved a rook, and since then I haven't really stopped. I joined up with Skaldvik Viking Village at the New York Renaissance Faire, which gave me opportunities to carve some larger scale items and develop my skill further.


         I usually carve with an audiobook on to keep the time passing. I'm currently on Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books, and very much enjoying them.


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